And then my old journalism professors' voices spoke to me. "Always ask yourself, so what and who cares?" Uh, nothing and no one. Jesus Christ.
I should also reveal that this is not my first blog. Oh no. In 2005, I started a blog called The Critical Thinker. I entered one, yes one, entry. I turned on myself and started critically thinking about my critical thinking and it just wasn't meeting my expectations.
I recently checked the URL and it has been taken over by a college professor. Makes much more sense.
When I decided to join this blog, I came up with a few ideas that I quickly shot down. One was to get to the bottom of why razor blades and printer ink are so outrageously expensive. (I may get to that one day, but don't think it is worthy "first post" material.) I also thought of exploring why so many trees in the Fall smell like semen. But I think the title of that posting would scare people away. And then I remembered Eleanor Roosevelt's words that Maria Shriver quoted when she endorsed Obama: "Do one thing every day that scares you." Ooooh. That could be my ongoing theme. So today, maybe I won't use a paper towel to turn the doorknob when I exit the bathroom. Scary! In many ways.
You know when you write in your journal and you start editing yourself as though people are going to read it? That's what blogging is like, except people are going to read it.
What I am really asking is for myself to be kind to myself. That is when good writing emerges. Great. So THAT'S when good writing emerges. No pressure, Meg. Be f*%&ing kind to yourself.
(Oh, and thank you Sarah Palin for providing so much rich material and for making it a little bit easier to write my first posting.)