Now that that's out of the way ...
The point of this whole experiment is to see how many women journalists I can get to post to this site on a regular basis AND THEN how many women we can get to read and comment regularly. I'm reaching out to my five (or so) closest women colleagues and friends to start. (Hopefully) they will grace this site with their sharp minds, charming personalities, killer reporting skills and beautiful faces.
If they do, expect original reporting and opinion pieces on a range of topics.
We'll see where we end up, but I expect it to be fun.
In the meantime ...
In case you haven't heard, that Halloween Week / pre-election Sarah Palin effigy hanging from a noose in West Hollywood is stirring all sorts of trouble.
And the election is a week away! Joy. Shoot me an e-mail or comment here and tell me what's on your mind.
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