Monday, December 15, 2008

Want to improve U.S. healthcare? Better get to work!

Health and Human Services Secretary-designate Tom Daschle says he wants Americans to help him with healthcare reform.

He and President-elect Barack Obama are calling on Americans to lead their own local gatherings in the coming weeks to discuss healthcare reform and to pass along their thoughts, concerns and ideas to the Transition's Health Policy Team.

The team "will gather the results of these discussions to guide its recommendations for the Obama-Biden administration."

It will be interesting to see to what extent the local discussions are actually incorporated into those recommendations.

If you're interested, sign up here. If you want to know more, watch the video.

But before I go, I must take a moment to discuss Sen. Daschle's glasses in the video. Uh, I've never seen him wear these particular glasses before. I'm not sure if it's a lighting or color correction issue, but I think the glasses would look better on a woman. Just a thought.

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