Thursday, April 16, 2009

Not in this woman's world

I came across an online cartoon "web series" presented by Baked LAY'S, FLAT EARTH and SMARTFOOD snacks called "Only in a Woman's World." The (intended-to-be-viral) web videos are billed as "light-hearted" and "comical," but I'm not laughing.

That's because the real humor is in Frito-Lay's press release about its new campaign targeting women. Among other things, the press release states that Frito-Lay wants women to "feel supported in their feelings about diets, beauty, snacking, exercise and body confidence" and goes on to say:

Women often struggle between choosing indulgent, great-tasting snacks and snacks that are better-for-her. Frito-Lay’s portfolio of products gives women both.

“It may sound cliché, but women are different. Science tells us women’s brains are uniquely wired,” said Becky Frankiewicz, vice president, portfolio marketing, Frito-Lay North America. “‘Only in a Woman’s World’ humorously addresses and even celebrates the universal conflicts women feel. At least when it comes to snacking, we want women to know that they don’t have to compromise – they can have their snacks and eat them, too.”

The site encourages visitors to "Share a LOL" by e-mailing friends with a link to "this great new web site" "full of funny moments we can all relate to."

So I'm supposed to relate to women cartoon characters who lament their "unwanted bulges" and who celebrate the fact that being sick, and thereby unable to eat, helped one of them fit into her "skinny jeans?"

Get a clue, Frito-Lay.

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