Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Red, white & blue is so black or white

Welcome to the party Arlen Specter. Grab a beer. I am thrilled that you have the chutzpah and common sense to part with the Repulican't Party. This is truly a wake up call ... in more ways than one. 

Can we, for just a moment, stop and think about why this news is causing such a stir? It's on the front page of almost every major newspaper.  To me, this is an extreme indication that a multi-party system is a dire necessity.   And by multi-party, I mean more than 2 and 1/5th.  Party loyalty in this country runs deep. Scary deep.  Arlen Specter could no longer be effective because of the R after his name?  This shouldn't be.

Americans like to treat their politics like they treat their sports.  It's about colors, mascots, states, cities - which is fine when it comes to the Super Bowl, but asinine when it comes to public policy and the well-being of our planet.  Diverse opinions are healthy.  Debate is healthy.  One size does not fit all.

President Obama graciously welcomed Arlen Specter to the Democratic fold.  I know he has to do this, but the gesture makes me uncomfortable.  This isn't the NFL draft.  Specter does not need to get sized for the uniform or sign a multi-million dollar contract.  Or maybe he does in cryptic, political ways.

We U.S Americans suffer from a severe case of black-or-white-titus. All or nothing thinking. You are with us or against us, Democrat or Republican, male or female, straight or perverted, white or ethnic.  

We seem to have no tolerance for nuances or shades of gray, yet it is the ambiguities in life that lead to real progress.  So Arlen, make yourself comfortable. But if you feel the need to pet an elephant once in a while, the donkey doesn't need to kick you in the ass.

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1 comment:

  1. I agree that Americans see too many things in black and white. And because of this all-or-nothing nonsense, I've stopped labeling myself "Democrat" and/or "Republican." I mean, wouldn't casting my vote BEFORE I heard the issue prove that I was a fool??
