Thursday, April 30, 2009

Niños Hotel

Speaking of Peru, I have an excellent hotel recommendation. Even if you won't find yourself in Cusco (the gateway to Machu Picchu) anytime soon, this is the story of an amazing woman who followed the nagging voice inside her head that told her to do something about a problem.

In 1996, Jolanda van den Berg visited Cusco from Holland and was struck by the number of children she had seen begging and working on the streets. She returned six months later and rented a small room where she let first two, then twelve, kids stay with her. She needed a way to continually support her new kids, so she started Niños Hotel on calle Meloc in Cusco. Now, 13 years later, she and her wonderful staff run two hotels and three restaurants in Cusco. All the profits provide daily food, medical care and school support for over 500 local kids daily.

The hotel and cafe are warm, friendly and cheap by American standards ($44/night for a double). A gentle reminder to listen to your voice and spend your money where it really matters. More info:

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1 comment:

  1. I second this recommendation! When Amita and I stayed here, they were very nice and accomodating and the hotel was clean and had a fantastic mix of people staying there. And to top it all off, for a good cause, too.
